Vetting Mooksie, a Colony Cat with an Ear Hematoma

Mooksie showed up at his colony with a severely swollen and crumpled right ear a few weeks ago.

He is part of a group of feral cat colonies totaling 30-40 TNR’d cats that Jennie K. cares for in the West Humboldt Park area of Chicago. I bring cat and dog food to Jennie when I have it, because along with the colony cats, she also cares for 11 rescue cats and one dog in her home. Jennie lives on a fixed income and is on disability. She can hardly keep up with feeding, let alone vet care!


My rescue friend Erica was able to trap Mooksie with Jennie’s help, and rushed him to our amazing vets at Elmhurst Animal Care Center. There they determined he had an ear hematoma that required surgery.


Hematomas are extremely painful initially for the cat, and are caused by trauma to the ear. They quickly can become infected and require extensive surgery. They do not heal on their own.


Mooksie went under anesthesia and the vet drained his ear. They used dissolvable sutures with a small opening left in it so that the ear could continue to drain on its own. We asked for dissolvable sutures so that we would not have to re-trap him for removal later. Mooksie required a catheter during surgery, antibiotics (convenia) for the infection, full ear cleaning and oti-pack ear cleaning solution, and intravenous fluids. He was also required to be hospitalized in intensive care.


His total vet bill came out to $531.30 We did not realize how extensive and expensive ear hematomas can be! Ear problems are pretty common for colony cats. If you’d like to make a donation to help cover his care and to continue to feed his colony, you can do so at the donate link at the top of this page, or through PayPal at [email protected]


I returned Mooksie back to Jennie and his colony after a few days of observation and rest. His ear will be permanently folded over, but it looked really good and completely healed.

I took the opportunity to also bring more cat and dog food to Jennie. I made sure Mooksie helped!

He was VERY happy to be returned to his colony, and so was his bonded friend, Bootsie! She came right out to greet him at their feeding station. It was as if she was waiting for him! Jennie said she seemed to be frantic all week missing him. She thinks they are litter mates as they look exactly alike.

Then they started chasing each other.

The cats all live in this abandoned building and are fed by Jennie daily.

They easily access the building through this broken window.


A big thanks to Erica and Jim for trapping and transporting Mooksie, to Jennie for caring for this colony, to our vets for healing these cats, and to all of you who continue to donate towards their care! This couldn’t be done without all of you.


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Introducing the Charlie Chaplin Colony: In Honor of Melanie and Her Cat, Lumpy

Melanie emailed me mid-October looking for help for the cats on her block in Avondale. When I looked up her address I knew we HAD to help her – she lived just a few blocks from my rescue partner, Kim, and three other colonies we did this summer: the Big Daddy Colony, the Polska Kittens Colony, and the Wild Wild West Colony. Coincidence? Nope. This area has a huge cat overpopulation problem but it can be contained with diligent, consistent TNR and colony management. We’re already well on our way. About 30% of the cats we trapped this summer from here were admitted into no-kill shelters.


Melanie estimated were 7-10 cats coming to her yard, but she knew there could be more. She also knew there was a mama cat and kittens, because they visited at one point recently. That means the kittens were just weaned. When she inquired about the costs, Melanie offered to sponsor any care as needed. She just lost her beloved pet cat, Lumpy, very recently, and wanted to continue the care of the outdoor cats in her honor.


Just look at beautiful Lumpy. As Melanie explained, “Not to brag, but she was the funniest, chattiest, softest, best beast on the entire planet. Sigh. I miss her terribly. And yes, she would always sit like this. The best!” We agree! She was gorgeous! img_1919

Melanie told Kim and I that an elderly Polish neighbor left cat food every morning in her front yard, which is why the cats were congregating their in the first place.


We asked her to communicate as best as she could with everyone to stop feeding the cats for a day or two. She didn’t know who the Polish lady was,… yet. When we arrived as planned at 5am on a Friday morning, we saw the food on her front steps. img_9205

We threw out the food, and set up the traps regardless. Melanie has a beautiful yard and garden, perfect for the cats to hang out and hide in. And perfect to keep traps hidden in.


We set up traps in her front yard.


And we set up traps in her back yard. img_9207 img_9208

While we were setting up traps in her back yard, we heard the ones in the front yard snapping shut immediately.


TNR was ON.


We trapped five cats that day. Cats started visiting from all around us.


This one came by to hang out under my car. Yup, we got her. img_9218

We set up a Cats In My Yard sign on Melanie’s front gate to explain to everyone what we were doing. It’s translated in Spanish and Polish. We saw A LOT of people stopping to read the sign. Everyone was into it and gave us the thumbs up after reading it, or asked us more questions. It’s a great way to spread awareness of your TNR project in the neighborhood. img_9242

All of the neighbors were into what we were doing, and we have plans to trap in their yards. The elderly Polish feeder came by, and agreed to stop feeding for the weekend. She is also going to show us all of the other places that she feeds cats!


The next day we set up traps again at 5am and got another four cats. At this point we had nine cats trapped for TNR.


During that time, a little cat came wobbling up to us. Clearly something was wrong with her because she was walking very funny, and we were lucky to trap her. I’ll write more about her and her injuries later.


Melanie also trapped the mama cat and found her four kittens in a garage down the street from her with the help of neighbors. I’ll also be writing about the kittens more later.


The whole weekend the cats stayed in my garage in their traps in preparation for PAWS Chicago’s low-cost TNR clinic. img_9279

The next day we were ready to bring the healthy adult cats to PAWS. That morning Melanie trapped one last cat, so there were now a total of eleven cats going there. Jim helped us out with transport.


All eleven of these cats were TNR’d, then recovered at Kim’s house, and returned to Melanie’s yard.


Katler is the gorgeous mama cat, whose kittens are now in foster care for eventual admission into PAWS. img_9307

Big Tux Jackson is the big male eleventh cat who was trapped at the eleventh hour at the last minute. img_9321

Tommy Two Ears is a fairly friendly male cat who lost most of his ears from fighting, frost bite, or who knows what from being on the streets. We’ll be keeping an eye on him to see if he’s interested in being in an indoor home – it’s hard to tell for now. img_9267

Chinny is another male cat that seems fairly friendly. We tested him for FIV/FeLV, and he was negative. We’ll also be keeping an eye on him to see if he’s interested in being adopted into a new permanent indoor home. img_9228

Inky 1 is a black male cat, identical to his brothers, Inky 2 and Inky 3. Fun fact: he loves to shred newspapers into tiny pieces, hiss and lunge whenever he can, and emits bathroom deposits in impressively huge quantities. Cleaning his trap while he was in it was quite a comedic endeavor. img_9215

The funny part was Melanie was well aware that there are three black cats. She just named them all of the same.


Here’s Inky 2, also male.  img_9249

And Inky 3, also male. img_9259

Melanie thought there was one tabby cat, but little did she know there were two.


Here’s Wee Tab, a female brown tabby. img_9231

And Alt Tab, her female brown tabby sister or doppelgänger. img_9264

Then check out Big Skinny, a male grey tabby. img_9253

And Little Skinny, a female torbie. Fun fact: this girl ate more than anyone. img_9233

In the meantime, Melanie purchased a few outdoor shelters from Kim for her yard to help the TNReturned colony cats stay warm in the winter, and set up a permanent feeding station in her front yard.


We are excited to continue TNR with Melanie and all of her neighbors on the block. Working with such kind neighbors is a dream come true when you are doing TNR.


I’ll also be updating soon about what is happening with the four kittens and injured cat. We also know there are more cats out there from this colony. Please contact us if you’d like to help, 773-609-CATS (2287) or [email protected]


Or donate through the Paypal button at the top of this page or through [email protected]













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TNR Outreach at the 606 Block Party

It takes a village to make TNR work. Cats In My Yard demonstrated how to TNR cats and distributed information on how to help outdoor stray animals at the 606 Block Party in Humboldt Park.


We set up in the 1st Ward Alderman’s booth. Alderman Moreno is a supporter of TNR and reaching out to the community. Thank you to the entire 1st Ward staff! A lot of people came to this event. IMG_1958


People were interested in learning about TNR, and Jim gave tutorials throughout the day. Alderman Moreno and his staff listened in. Maybe we can TNR together some day.


We talked about how to make Chicago a No Kill City, and how TNR plays an important role.
IMG_1963 Lots of people came by to learn more about trapping. What was apparent throughout the day was that every person could trap cats themselves. They just needed to know how to get traps and how the process works in Chicago.  IMG_7427

I mean seriously, children figured out the traps immediately. My niece Lydia wanted to show people how also. IMG_7421


It was pretty cool to see what drew people to our booth. We brought stuffed animal cats, including a Lil Bub cat, which were big hits with the children. They all wanted to pet them, including my nephew.  IMG_7423

Joann also came with us to talk about TNR. Her cat bag was a huge hit. IMG_7440

Older children really wanted to learn. They would “trap” the stuffed cats over and over again while their parents watched. We are hoping it inspired some people to help the cats in their neighborhood. IMG_7443

At the end of the day, we walked back home on the trail with the traps. I wonder if this is the first time that traps have been up there? IMG_7446

Thanks to all who came by to show their support!

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Update on the Injured Englewood Cat: Maxfield is on the Mend!

Maxfield discovered the upper “bedroom” level of his feral recovery lounge a day after I set him up in the crate.


He is recovering from a deep neck wound treated since last week. He’s supposed to be kept confined at least 7-10 days to make sure infection doesn’t set in. So far he’s doing great in the lounge, but still acting very feral. So, I can’t get a better photo of him than this. He’s a really beautiful long-haired grey and white cat. IMG_5067

All cats in the recovery lounge end up sleeping on the upper level, thank goodness. The litter box is on the lower level, and the attached trap has all of the food and water he needs.


Maxfield is still acting absolutely feral towards both me and Jim. He tries to bolt, strikes out aggressively, and growls and hisses at us the entire time. It’s pretty awesome. I absolutely adore feral cats like that as they are letting us know with certainty that they want to be free outdoors. They are why I started TNR in the first place – to stop the feline overpopulation crisis, and to let feral cats live their lives outside with dignity, caring for them when they want it, on their terms. I’m out of town for work this weekend and Jim is caring for Maxfield, making sure his crate is kept clean with fresh puppy pads and newspapers, the litter box is cleaned out, the dry cat food and water dishes are refreshed, and he gets all of the wet cat food with Lysine that he needs.


Maxfield has some diarrhea which seems induced by stress only so far, and a very good appetite. Hopefully he will be ready to be returned back to his colony site in West Englewood this week.



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Wound Treatment and Recovery for Feral Cats

Maxfield was trapped in Englewood this week and brought into PAWS Chicago’s clinic for their TNR package. They found a horrific wound on his neck.


Georgie from Chicago TNR and Cynthia trapped about a dozen cats in this particular alley so far. Maxfield was one of them, and the clinic discovered his injury while under anesthesia for his TNR surgery.


This was most likely caused by an abscess from a bite wound. Per his paperwork, there was crusted hair over the wound, so they cleaned it up. 12801481_1065470326826091_5926593994543080969_n-1

Then he was given a shot of Convenia antibiotics to offset infection, and they recommended recovery for 7-10 days. PAWS Chicago performed this medical service free of charge. They are the only vet clinic in the Chicago area who offers this to colony cat caregivers and we are all so thankful to have this resource in the city.


I offered to recover Maxfield for George as soon as I saw his injury. Her foster room is currently occupied with a friendly cat from the same alley that she is trying to place into a rescue.


A few years ago my friend, Dave H., gave me a dog crate that attaches to a trap to safely recover feral cats that need to be confined for an extended period of time. Dave invented this set-up and we call it the feral cat recovery lounge. It’s become to be an invaluable resource for several cats I’ve recovered. IMG_5049

Once you attach the trap to the crate, you cover the whole set-up and allow the cat to freely move from one end to another. The food is kept in the trap so that it is easy to get the cat to re-enter the trap for transport later. IMG_5063

Maxfield settled right in. As soon as I attached the trap to the crate, he bolted into the crate. He decided to wedge himself next to the litter box, and hasn’t moved much since. IMG_5057

He hisses, growls, and bolts so far, all signs of feral behavior. He seems a bit congested, so I’ve been adding Lysine to his wet food. His appetite is good – he’s been eating the wet and dry food as soon as I leave. Because the outside temperature is pretty mild, I am keeping him in the garage with plenty of blankets and a heater to keep warm. The crate and trap are elevated off the floor with blocks of wood for circulation and so they are not just sitting on the cold croncrete floor. Nonetheless, we don’t want him too warm because we want him to keep his winter coat.


He’s doing well and I am hoping tonight he will explore the crate more. There is a second level just above his head where there’s a soft bed for him to sleep and recover. IMG_5055

I will keep all of you posted on his road to recovery within the next week. I’d like to thank George and Cynthia for saving his life, for PAWS’ providing his medical care, and for Jim’s help caring for him while I’m out of town for work.

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TNA: Trap, Neuter, Adopt for the KFC Colony

When we first started TNR for the KFC Colony in their junkyard home, we didn’t know what to expect. Little did we expect that almost ALL of the cats were going to end up in indoor homes because almost all of the adult cats were friendly, and the kittens were young enough to be socialized.


It was a good thing for the cats, because they lost their home in the middle of this project.


Joann saw cats and kittens through the fence on her first visit to the junkyard. There were tons of construction materials and garbage for them to hide in.

unnamed unnamed 2

People were also leaving food.



But we couldn’t figure out a way to get in. Everything was locked. She tried trapping in the neighbor’s yard and started leaving food as well.


One night a woman showed up to feed. We learned that her name is Corinne, and she has been feeding at this junkyard since last November. She drove almost every day from her home in Rogers Park to feed the cats. Another friend told her about it. Corinne fed all the time, and so did other people that randomly showed up with food, so when she tried to trap cats obviously it was pretty hard. They were not hungry enough to go in the traps. But she managed to trap about five or six cats, and almost all of them were friendly. She found homes for all of them within her network of friends, except for one cat that was feral, so he was TNReturned.


Corinne showed us how she got into the junkyard. There was a small gap in the chain link fence. She would trap a cat and then hoist it over the barbed wire. I have no idea how she did this by herself. IMG_3449

Corinne knew about the kittens, and knew who the mama cat was. She showed us photos of the cats she was still trying to trap. She said she had potential homes for all of them. She really was trying to do the best for the cats, but she was just overwhelmed at this point.

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That first day Joann and Corinne set traps together in the junkyard all five kittens were trapped. IMG_3339 They went into foster care with my friend Robin and will be admitted to PAWS Chicago tomorrow. Throughout their foster care their cost of vet care was $187.78 for eye meds and antibiotics.


The mama cat, Poppy, was also trapped that day. She was skin and bones and ravenous before and after her TNR. Her TNR clinic package cost $26, and testing cost $15. She tested negative for FIV and FeLV. IMG_3305 She was also friendly, and Corinne had very specific plans for her. She was adopted into an indoor home that had adopted her sister that Corinne trapped months before. Here she is being acclimated. IMG_3349

In the midst of this trapping, we met one of the contractors at the junkyard. He said we could do whatever we want. The junkyard was supposed to be cleared for a condo building, but it would be months before that happened.


Rusty was trapped next. His TNR clinic package and testing total was also $41, and he tested negative. IMG_3369

Corinne also had a specific home for him in mind as he was friendly and she had bonded to him outside and had lots of photos. unnamed

We trapped Diamond Jim next. Joann called me to help hoist him over the gap in the fence. IMG_3353

Diamond Jim’s TNR package was covered by this clinic so we just paid $20 for testing. Unfortunately he tested FIV+.


His paperwork also said he had a “superficial skin wound on his right rear leg (hock region).” The clinic gave him back to us and said he was acting “lazy” in the trap. DJ was definitely pretty lethargic, and also acting friendly, so we transferred him into the feral cat recovery lounge to test his temperament. After a few days we decided to bring him to Roscoe Village Animal Hospital to take a look. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

It turns out that his leg wound was infected and DJ had a temperature. He was weighed in at 11.2 pounds, which made a lot more sense than the weight listed as 7.5 pounds at the clinic. He was pretty heavy when we hoisted him over the fence! We treated him for everything at Roscoe Village. His total vet bill was $280. IMG_3463

After a week in the recovery lounge, Corinne was also able to place DJ into an indoor home!

That same week Joann showed up to trap and the junkyard was being cleared out. This was just days after we started, so obviously we did not have months to trap as had been explained to us. Trucks barreled into the yard and took away all of the materials. The kittens definitely would have been killed in the chaos. The workers agreed to watch the traps that Joann and Corinne had left, but when they came back that same night, the traps were also gone. We have no idea who took them.


This is what the junkyard looks like now.  IMG_3452

There were still a few cats that needed to be trapped here, but they dissipated now that the junkyard was cleared out.


We still don’t know what hapoened to the black cat in this photo, unnamed


or this siamese cat that was also a regular. IMG_0176


People stopped feeding. This all happened within the last few weeks. Total vetting costs from this colony was $569.78   and we lost $170 worth of equipment. Your donations make this possible! Thank you!


In the meantime, we found another feeding station a few blocks away where some of the missing cats, including the siamese, from this colony have been sighted. I call that colony the Kitchen Colony and I’ll be writing about that next.

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Introducing the Boonie Colony

Melissa has done TNR all around this area for years. She’s moved apartments a few times here and finds cats at each location. We’ve worked on TNR together near the Cell Phones Colony. Her sister has adopted a few cats from there. IMG_0282

Even though Melissa no longer lives there, she visits almost daily and replenishes the food and water for the colony in this feeding station.


It’s really cool – that feeding station has been in the alley for months and no one messes with it.


When Melissa moved to her latest apartment she noticed a lot of cats outside. That’s how we found the Armando Colony, just a few doors down from her. Along with our friend Heather, we TNReturned and rescued 18 cats and kittens so far from that location.


But there were still more cats coming around to Melissa’s yard, so for several nights this month we set up traps. Melissa doesn’t even feed, but the cats came anyways. We have since determined there is another colony up the block, but so far the feeder is not compliant.


We have TNR’d five cats now from Melissa’s yard. I call this the Boonie Colony, named after one of Melissa’s pit bulls. The amazing thing about Melissa is that she is actually a dog person, and volunteers all the time at Chicago Animal Care and Control. But she also of course cares for all animals, and believes in TNR.


One of the cats we trapped was already ear tipped. She looked good, so we released her immediately. This is just the third all-white cat I’ve ever come across outside in over a decade of TNR. IMG_0485

The rest of the five cats we trapped were all male and taken to the clinic for their TNR spa package.


Boonie was the first cat we trapped. Obviously he was named after Melissa’s dog, and I consider him the mascot of this colony. He had a broken canine, but is healthy and now neutered. IMG_0384

He had a lot of great poses, so Jim made a gif.


TNR is good. Yes!


When we trapped Donut, we could see he is obviously friendly, and also had a very, very tight, frayed old collar around his neck. IMG_0414 IMG_0432 He was neutered at the clinic, tested negative for FIV/FeLV, and we did not ear tip him. Heather was able to get him admitted into Felines & Canines, Inc. for adoption into an indoor home. Here he is in their isolation room. IMG_0482

Spaulding is another brown tabby that we trapped. He also had a broken canine, and was treated for nasal discharge. IMG_0466  Whip is another very healthy orange boy, also now TNR’d. IMG_0584

Scruffles is a grey boy with a big old wound on his head. IMG_0572

The wound was cleaned and treated, and he was TNR’d without further problems. IMG_0604

We’ll keep trapping at this location to see what other cats show up. Thanks for all that you do, Melissa!

Barb G says:

I assume the little tag on Donut’s tight collar wasn’t useful in helping finding his owners? No microchip? Hope he finds a new home!

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Dumped Colony Cat?

So this cat showed up in my yard a couple of weeks ago.  IMG_0300

Jim put traps out immediately but the cat never came back. Ever since then, I’ve been watching a house leave a lot of garbage in our alley, like they’re moving. And I started seeing a lot of cat supplies with the garbage. I was wondering if maybe they then put the cat out as they were moving.


Then a few nights ago, I saw this makeshift outdoor cat shelter in their garbage. IMG_0686

I also saw a cat that looked like the one above, but he ran from me. Not really sure what to make of this, but if this cat is dumped, he’s on a good block. This is directly across from the La Vida Lydia Colony, and he obviously already found my colony. But he hasn’t come back, and I’ve been trapping here all month. One day I hope I can solve this mystery, and of course, trap this cat.


Robin says:

Poor kitty. It is sad that people just leave their pets behind like that. I’m glad that he was fortunate enough to show up on your street where he can be cared for at least. Thank you for caring for the strays/ferals!

Vanessa says:

Thank you, Robin! Another neighbor told me she saw him as well. We are watching out for him.

Tom Davies says:

It’s very sweet of you to create that outdoor shelter for him

It’s crazy how people can just leave cats just like that!

Thank you for looking after him

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RIP Zombie Cat

Zombie Cat from the V Colony got her name from her feeders because according to them, she was always sick.


She definitely had chronic upper respiratory infections, but two years ago there were also other things wrong with her. She had sores behind her ears, and her fur looked like it was coming out, almost like molting. IMG_2626

It took months, but I was finally able to re-trap her, and ended up trapping a few new cats and another sick cat from this colony at the same time. During this process, Jim came out to help me. My TNR friend, Dave H, also came out to hep me. I tried a drop trap even for the first time. It was indeed quite a process, because the feeders would not stop feeding. But I finally re-trapped her the good old-fashioned way – at 3am with sardines in oil for bait in a Tru-catch trap because she was finally hungry enough to go in.


Zombie got a dental, and was treated for URI with three rounds of antibiotics. She was inside with me receiving multiple medications for almost two months. The entire time she acted feral. I was able to confine her in this ingenious feral cat recovery lounge that Dave made for this purpose. Zombie did well in there. IMG_6190

But I could tell confinement was stressful. She did not look like herself after awhile. I did not want to break her spirit. The vet said he did all he could for her so I let her go even though she was still congested, but still much better. She seemed to thrive outside again, always with the same grumpy look on her face. She was reunited with her friends – this colony is made up of 15 cats currently, all TNR’d and all most likely born in that yard. I was happy to see her grumpy face – it meant she was feral and didn’t want human contact, just maybe some food. IMG_7066

In fact, no matter how sick she was, Zombie loved food. She was always first in line for it, and the other cats complied. She was indeed an alpha female. IMG_5807

At the beginning of February I visited the V Colony with some journalists doing a story on feral cats and TNR. Zombie was sitting on the steps and let me touch her for the first time. I knew then something was very wrong with her then. You can see her in the video. FERAL-CATS-1038x576

That was the last time I saw Zombie. By the time I got back with a carrier to get her to the vet, she was gone. I asked the feeders if they could let me look in their yard and trap. They refused. I did go back several times looking for her, but never saw her again.


Last week the feeder brought Zombie’s body to Tree House to be disposed of properly. They found her in their yard just like I thought they would. Her body was too decomposed to do a necropsy. I only know this because Tree House told me since they were also in contact with the feeder.


Zombie’s life and story taught me a lot. She showed me her resilience and will to survive, and I hope the vet care made her last year a little bit better. I will always think of her when I use the recovery lounge for another feral. I will always think of her when faced with adversity and resistance when trying to help a colony. I will always think of her because I still feel guilty I couldn’t help her ultimately. That I was prevented to help her hurts more, but it’s the reality sometimes of doing TNR. We do the best we can to help these animals. Perhaps Zombie died on her own terms regardless, and that was best for her. Maybe the vet care just prolonged the inevitable. I don’t know.


Rest in peace, Zombie, you no longer have to suffer being sick here anymore.

Kelly Restivo says:

You were the best mom ever :)))) Sad people who were feeding did not want to help more, especially when you were doing the work.
Thank you , xo

Vanessa says:

Thank you for the kind words, Kelly. It means a lot to me.

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Shoveling Out the Cat Paths

Nineteen inches is a lot of snow all at once. Jim did most of the heavy shoveling since I was out of town for work and missed the storm.


Mooha helped me with the little bit of shoveling that was left yesterday afternoon. I made sure to clear out the cat paths so that my colony had access from the alley to their outdoor heated cat condos and feeding stations in my yard. IMG_0150

B.B. waited patiently for me to finish. Mooha wanted to check her out as well. IMG_0157

B.B. bounced around from house to house to stay out of our way, and settled in the Feralvilla Feeding Station at one point. IMG_0162

Hope everyone is safe and warm out there!

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