Mel, a Dumped Pet Cat, Gets TNR’d and Finds Another Home

Back in April we helped Katarina find her lost declawed pet cat, Nico. Another neighbor, Steve, eventually found Nico on his property.


In the meantime we TNR’d two other cats while we set out traps for Nico.


One of those cats was Bailey.  img_5276

I wasn’t surprised to trap these other cats. There are a lot of colonies in this area that I TNR’d and helped vet cats from, including the Cell Phones Colony and the Creole Colony, a hoarder home that has intact cats going in and out of constantly.


Bailey seemed friendly, but he was scared stiff and would not move, so we returned him outside. Then in July, I got a call from a vet tracing Bailey’s microchip to me, who said Bailey was brought in with a wound on his leg.


The person who brought Bailey to the vet was Steve, the man who found Nico!


Steve took care of all of the vet bills for Bailey. He called Bailey, Mel, and said he has been hanging out in his yard since last winter. We think we now know which house Mel came from and those neighbors left him when they moved, but Mel was acting feral at first. Steve had been trying to TNR him also, but then Mel showed up with the tell-tale ear tip from when we TNR’d him. And as the hormones left his body from being neutered, Mel became more and more friendly.


Really friendly. Check him out in Steve’s gorgeous outdoor patio.  img_7998 img_8006

And as you can see, Mel’s white coat is now whiter than ever. img_8003

Mel hung out with Steve’s two black colony cats, although they didn’t all exactly get along. img_8004

The difference was that Mel now allowed Steve to handle him. img_8001

So Steve asked around and eventually found Mel a home with two other friends, where he continues to do well and enjoys being back indoors. Thank you for all that you do, Steve! img_8839

I’m so grateful to have met yet another animal-loving neighbor! TNR is all about networking with your neighbors to help the community cats, and microchipping helps even more. Otherwise I would never have know what happened to Bailey, aka Mel.



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