Dude, Last Night Was AWESOME

The boys are sleeping off their hangovers from Caturday.

The boys are sleeping off their hangovers from Caturday.

Look who’s back! It’s been awhile, but today I saw Moby Dick the stray cat napping again at the La Vida Lydia Colony. He’s named that because so far he has eluded every trap I have set for him. In the meantime, Big Boy the orange feral cat was TNR’d two years ago, and I’ve trapped him again with a humane Tru-Catch Trap a few times since while I was trying to get Moby Dick! This community cat colony is on my block, so they visit my yard as well. The people in the house next door came out while I was taking photos and we talked about putting a trap in their yard. They have two little boys that really seem to like cats and asking questions about them. “Why are the cats sleeping?” Because they are exhausted from running around all night. “Do they have bunk beds?” No, but they totally should. They have all kinds of fancy places to sleep in my neighborhood, like cat condos, catios, and Feralvillas, why not bunk beds?


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