Reese, FIV+ Cat from Avondale, is Now Vetted and Ready for Adoption!
Reese is a former stray cat now fully vetted and available for adoption. He is FIV+ and recovered from illness and bite wounds. He is a total lover and enjoying the indoors. Just look at those cheeks!
Reese was trapped in Avondale along with a whole bunch of other colony cats at once. After his TNR surgery, it was clear that he was sick and exhausted. He slept all of the time, was really dirty and stinky, and absolutely ravenous. He would literally wake up to eat, and then go right back to sleep. He is a stray cat, not a feral used to living on the streets. He also seemed to know we were trying to help him and felt safe enough to finally rest after trying to survive outside.
He was vetted at Roscoe Village Animal Hospital where he was treated for URI and bite wounds.
Kim took him into her home ever since. A week after that he had to go back to the vet because he had blood in his stool. He also wasn’t always using the litter box. His fecal test came back clean, and it hasn’t happened since. They did a urine analysis, and also figured out he was underweight and dehydrated, so he was most likely straining due to that. They administered fluids.
His total vetting so far is $446. If you’d like to make a donation towards his care please click on the Paypal donate button at the top of this page.
He was a great patient throughout, and even seemed to enjoy the extra attention. He ate all of the treats given to him during the entire exam, it was hilarious.

Once back in Kim’s house it was very clear he was enjoying the indoor life and feeling better. He was absolutely filthy and stinky. He started grooming himself again.
Look at his poor, sore paws! They were really rough from the streets.
Kim has been using these wipes to help clean him.

He’s looking better and better, gaining weight, and has a more normal sleep schedule now. Kim now has multiple litter boxes for him and figured out which litter he prefers. No more accidents.
He loves all of the attention and now answers back when you talk to him.
Please contact us at 773-609-2287 or [email protected] if you’d like to meet and adopt him!