Tracking Cats

My run today was sidetracked by cat tracks in the snow. This is an easy way to figure out feral cat hot spots and crossings. I also visited a new colony caretaker in my neighborhood. She wanted to release her first cat that she TNR’ed at Tree House last week. She was not quite sure… Read more »

Volunteering to Help Community Cats Pays Off

I was very excited last fall to learn that the company I work for offers annual Volunteer Impact Grants for employees. Employees volunteer a certain amount of hours with a participating non-profit organization, fill out the application explaining the impact of your volunteer work on the community, and submit it for review. In this case,… Read more »

Fosters to the Rescue

Remember Knox? Well, actually her name is now Maddox. She was brought by someone to Anti-Cruelty Society, ACS. ACS brought her to Chicago Animal Care and Control, CACC, where her paperwork was filled out as “per ACS, feral not able to touch, will bite.” Because she was assessed as being feral, she was scheduled to… Read more »

20,000 Outdoor Cats TNR’ed in Cook County

Today I went to an open house for animal rescue groups at Chicago Animal Care and Control. It was a chance for all the groups to meet while discussing their plans moving forward to reducing the number of animals killed in shelters in Chicago. All areas of rescue, from foster organizations to adoptions to shelters… Read more »

Outdoor Heated Water Bowls for Feral and Stray Cats

Every year, the temperatures drop after the holidays, along with my mood. I’m not a fan of winter. But my mood picked up when I saw the James’ Gang Colony cats in my yard lounging all morning, looking totally comfortable in their environment. These particular cats in my yard have been around for a few… Read more »

Update on Vito

Remember we were all worried about Vito the other day? It turns out he has made a full recovery because the mass on his jaw was actually an infection. Antibiotics took care of it. Catnip makes him smile. Vito is a former feral colony cat that was trapped-neutered-returned TNR’ed to the V Colony. Then he… Read more »

Winter Care for Cats in MY Yard

We’ve had a mild winter, but last night the temperatures dropped along with a bit of snow. For the past year there are three cats in my yard that have formed a feral cat colony, which I call the James’ Gang Colony. Feral cats grow winter coats to help them withstand cold temperatures, and then… Read more »

Free TNR Resources for Local Feral Cats

The TNR movement is gaining a lot of support and attention in Chicago. Another low-cost clinic that provides spay/neuter services for feral cats, otherwise known as what I like to call their “spa treatments,” is Tree House Humane Society’s BDVM Mac Lean Spay/Neuter Clinic. The clinic is just three miles from my house! And at the start… Read more »

How TNR Started for Me

I first learned about Trap Neuter Return, or TNR, in 2004 because a cat that looked pretty sick showed up in my yard and would not let me near it. I went online and found out about TNR and how it worked from Alley Cat Allies, a national organization that advocates for the humane treatment of outdoor feral cats. From… Read more »

TNR = Trap, Neuter, Return

I have been practicing TNR – Trap, Neuter, Return, in my yard and helping out others in my community with cats in their yards since 2004.  You may have found this site because you have cats in your yard as well. TNR is the most humane method to help stabilize the feral and outdoor cat population.  You trap… Read more »